Care  Ministries

Helping People Experience Care and Healing

Our range of care ministries are here to support you and those you love. 
Card Ministry
The Bonhomme Card Ministry sends cards to those in our church family aged 75 and over who are celebrating a birthday, to families welcoming a new baby, for encouragement, illness, loss of a loved one, or those facing other life struggles.
Caring Connection Visitors
Members of this team visit the homebound, bringing comfort, companionship, and cheer to those who are unable to leave their homes.
Floral Visiting Ministry
This ministry rearranges flowers from each Sunday’s worship service into bouquets, then delivers them to folks who are ill or homebound in order to bring a smile to those in need of loving care from their church family.
Heart and Soul Ministry
This ministry brings together students and adults with special needs for fellowship and Biblical teaching. The group meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month.
A Biblically-based, Christ-centered support group for those facing the loss of a loved one. GriefShare meets weekly at one of four area churches, rotating locations quarterly. Sept-Oct-Nov: Bonhomme Presbyterian Church, Dec-Jan-Feb: Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church, Mar-Apr-May: Pathfinder Church, Jun-July-Aug: King of Kings Lutheran Church.
Hospital Visitation Ministry
Members of Bonhomme’s pastoral and professional staff visit hospitalized members of our church family. Please inform us if a member of your family is in the hospital.
Homebound Communion
A group of ministers and specifically commissioned elders provide Communion to those who are unable to come to Bonhomme due to illness or infirmity.
Meal Ministry
This team prepares meals for those in need, both as a team at church and individually at home. Delivering a meal is a great way to brighten someone’s day!
Newborn Ministry
This ministry meets with families blessed with a newborn baby to deliver a meal, cradle cross, and other gifts and to provide support / resources as needed.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is here to give a caring Christian presence with emotional and spiritual support when you are hurting.  Stephen Ministers are the After People.
Stephen Ministers are there:
. . . after the phone call you hoped you’d never get.
. . . after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you.
. . . after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life.
. . . after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.
. . . after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.”
. . . after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty.
. . . after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
. . . after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible.
. . . after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck.
. . . after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.

Whatever your “after” is, a Stephen Minister is here for you. To receive a confidential Stephen Minister contact Elizabeth Harris at or 636-532-3486.
Submit a prayer request to our Prayer Chain Ministry here.

Contact the Care Ministry

For more information, to volunteer, to let us know of a need, or to ask for help please fill out the form below or email We'd love to hear from you! 

Meet Elizabeth Harris

Director of Adult Ministry and Community  Care

Meet Lynn Packwood

Minister of Music and Pastoral Care