3C's (coffee, community, CLASSES)

Intergenerational Relationships, Transformative Teaching, and Biblical Topics

Sundays 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m .

Spring Semester / Ends April 28

Households of Faith | Pastor Robby Cella | Community Room
Parents, you can't live this life of faith alone because faith has never been a solo affair. You need help. God has always wanted you to do life with other people who have the same questions and want the same things for their life and their families. Let's create that space together. Join this group if you're looking for community, connection, and a place to learn about how to
live a life with God and your family at the same time.
*Last Class on April 28

Tough Questions of Faith |Terry Grogan | Room 3208
April  28 – The Pentecost; The Book of Romans

Essential Biblical Truth (taught in Mandarin) | Selina Li | Bride’s Room
This study systematically lays a firm foundation for both the gospel and Christian growth. You will learn the key themes of the Bible such as the nature of God, the authority of Scripture, and the profound mysteries of the Trinity. From the creation narrative to redemption through Christ, each session unveils the core biblical principles, providing a solid foundation for a life deeply rooted in faith. Join us on this enlightening journey of discovery and spiritual growth. This class is conducted in Mandarin for the convenience of the Mandarin speakers.
這门課是將系統地為福音和基督徒成長奠定了堅實的基礎。 您將學習聖經的關鍵主題,如上帝的本質,
聖經的權威和三位一體的深刻奧秘。 從創造敘事到透過基督的救贖,每次的議題都揭示了聖經的核心原
則,為深深紮根於信仰的生活提供了堅固的基礎。 請加入我們這個能幫助你啟發和屬靈成長之旅程。為
April 28 - Conclusion: applying biblical truths and living in the light of eternity

ESL Bible Study | Pam Behsman | Quilt Room 
Designed for our friends for whom English is a second language! Learn to share the Gospel with your English and non-English speaking friends. (Meeting times are flexible. Contact pbehsman@charter.net to schedule a time outside of the 9:45 a.m. class time).

May  2024  Classes

Tough Questions of Faith | Terry Grogan | Room 3208
Living a New Life in Christ ( taught in Mandarin) | Selina Li | Bride’s Room
Trinity Forum Conversations | Jane Campbell | Chapel
Embark: God’s Plan for Reaching the Nations (and Your Unique Role in It)  | Missions Corner in Kilby Commons