3C's (coffee, community, CLASSES)

Intergenerational Relationships, Transformative Teaching, and Biblical Topics

Tough Questions of Faith |Terry Grogan | Room 3208 
Join us for a summer series focusing on the Olivette Discourse and the Book of Revelation: “The Last Days According to Jesus” (Dr. R.C. Sproul) and “A Survey of The Book of Revelation” (Dr. Kenneth Gentry). Each week will include an episode from each, both present a compelling case for a “Coming of Christ ‘On Clouds’” to oversee the Destruction of the Herodian 2nd Temple in AD 70 – thereby ending the Jewish Age and the Old Covenant whereby sin could atoned for with the animal blood sacrifices, replaced by the Age of the Gentiles and a New Covenant whereby sin can only be atoned for by Faith in the eternal blood sacrifice of Christ.
July 28 - The Antichrist (Sproul); Revelation: The First Five Trumpets (Gentry)

Living a New Life in Christ | Selina Li | Bride’s Room
Jesus came to offer His followers an abundant life, yet the journey of Christian living is not without its challenges. How then do we align our lives with the vision Jesus has for us? This study serves as a guide, assisting participants in unraveling the Word of God, discerning His will, and integrating biblical principles into their daily routines. Join us on this enriching journey into Christian living, where we will explore how to live a life brimming with purpose, potential, and joy. This class is conducted in Mandarin for the convenience of the Mandarin speakers.
July 28 - Spiritual gifts: discovering and developing one’s spiritual gift to serve God and His people.
2024/ 7/ 28    属灵恩赐:发掘并发展个人的属灵恩赐来事奉上帝和祂子民。

Leading at Bonhomme | Pastors Aeschbacher and Shultz | Room 3205
What are the characteristics of an effective Christian leader? What role does faith, character, and humility play? Whether you are currently in a leadership role or believe the Lord might be calling you to one, you won’t want to miss this class. Join Pastors Jim and Steve as we explore the roadmap of Biblical leadership and discover what it looks like to be a leader in one of the ministries at Bonhomme.

C.S. Lewis on Marriage and Other Sins | Cathy Russell | Room 2107 
Join us as we examine C.S. Lewis’ views on marriage and sin through sections of his classic work The Screwtape Letters. Lewis' clever satire will make us smile and think. This course is designed for everyone--those new to C.S. Lewis and those who took the previous 3Cs class on The Screwtape Letters. (Please note that the letters in this course were NOT included in the last Screwtape Letters class.)